a woven life

a parenting and lifestyle blog

Where We Walk: KU Field Research Station, Fitch Biology Trail

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Fitch Biology Trail


“Reading about nature is fine, but if a person walks in the woods and listens carefully, he can learn more than what is in books, for they speak with the voice of God.”George Washington Carver

Just north of Lawrence, nestled in some of the most densely forested Kansas, is the University of Kansas Field Research Station. A series of trails, this patch of land is a unique hiking experience in that many plant species are identified with plaques. Say what?

You heard properly. Species identified for you. It’s a riotous good time, if quiet and learning appeal to your party animal.

The light was majestic, the day was warm. Deer galloped down hillside, having heard our approach from forever away. You know when you come across one of those places that is less than ten minutes from your home but you feel as though you’ve stumbled right into a fairy tale? This place. It’s the ten minute day trip. The trails are very well maintained. There are some shelters. I will have to hit the rest of the trails here and update you further on the majesty of this spot.

Driving out to the Field Research Station involves some windy gravel, more than one grand farm house, a jaunce past a small airport, a small bridge over a tiny creek. There is an area to park, providing trail head access to all paths. Because it is a research area, no pups or other pets allowed, so leave Fido at home. Otherwise, if you frequent Lawrence, but haven’t hiked here, I implore you to do so.

Here we are, a vision of red amongst the browns and grays (soon it will be green):


Happy hiking,


Author: Nicole

Hi there. My name is Nicole and I have an affinity for fiber art and home grown everything. I am a mother, seamstress, maker; so on and so forth. I'm here to share my escapades in sewing, parenting, and sometimes marriage (and infrequently, knitting). You can reach me at Nicolesheree@gmail.com. G'day.

One thought on “Where We Walk: KU Field Research Station, Fitch Biology Trail

  1. this looks awesome–great photos, great day for a hike

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